Support Our Work
We rely on your generous support to ensure that we achieve our mission and run successful programs for our youth.
Thank You to JYCA’s 2023 Donors
Talia Rossi | Andrew Gordon-Kirsch | Seth Morrison | Danny Kaplan | Laura Finkler | David Shor | Glenn Shor | Sara Shor | Kiki Lipsett | Joel & Julie Weber & Lemoine
If you’d like to mail us a check please make the check payable to Community Initiatives with “JYCA” in the memo. Please also include your name on the memo line if it is not obvious on the check who the gift is coming from. You can mail your check to:
Community Initiatives/JYCA
1000 Broadway, Suite 480
Oakland, CA. 94607
Gifts are tax-deductible
Community Initiatives EIN: 94-3255070